Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Modesty: God loves it and we should too

Modesty is one of the virtues which many people commonly ignore. Many of us do not even think about it. It hardly ever crosses our minds. Guys especially ignore it. Objectively speaking, an immodestly dressed woman is more shocking than an immodestly dressed man. Let's face it: girls are more distracting than guys. That is why I am against girl altar servers at mass. (That is a whole other topic).

Does a girl really think before she puts something on? Does she ask herself: am I wearing something that is dignified, gives glory to God and is feminine? Those are three key factors. God created masculinity and femininity. Lets give glory to him by dressing according to our gender and dignity. Satan is trying to reverse genders. He wants men to think they're women and vice versa.

Girls, let me make it as clear to you as I can. When you put on a revealing top or show anything that should not be shown, you give a man the chance to lust after you. He does not see you as a beautiful, God-made woman. He sees you as an object and thus he will treat you like that. Princeton University once did a study with its male students. After all the research was done, they found that when a man saw a woman in a bikini or in something revealing, the part of the brain that sparks ideas of tools was stimulated.

So girls, when a man sees you in revealing clothing, he thinks of hammers and screwdrivers. Do you want to be held responsible for a man's degrading thoughts? I didn't think so. Furthermore, dressing immodestly doesn't further your cause for sanctity. So, next time you put on your clothes, think about your God-given dignity and what does a man think of when he sees you.

Does your outward appearance give glory to God? 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Whats the deal with being proud?

Why do we act so critical? We have such weak natures and yet are so quick to criticize other people. Or we can do better than someone else under the circumstances they are in. We have no idea what their situation is and think that since we're so much larger than life we can possibly do better.

Lets put it in perspective. God is infinite. We are finite. What does finite mean? Limited. Since we are limited creatures, we are weak and can't do much without God's help. So many times we say, "I can do it myself," and then realize later that we failed terribly.

Also since we are limited and God is unlimited, we many times cannot understand the way God works. His ways are not our ways. God has already made plans for us and yet we try to understand them as humans do. We even go so far as to make our own plans. There is an old saying that if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans. We try to do things our own way. We brag about our accomplishments such as grades, money we make or places we've been to. None of these things matter in the eternal run. Yet we put so much emphasis on earthly achievements and pay little or no attention to our spiritual achievements.

Next time we feel like bragging, lets ask ourselves: would God care? and how does this help me get to heaven?  

Monday, April 15, 2013

Sacred Music

Sacred Music has been quite a controversial subject within the church. Bishops, priest and popes have discussed this matter for nearly half a century. What is the hype about? Why talk about it? Is it really that important?

What is the hype about? Sacred Music is a large part of the church's richness. It takes its place within the liturgy and the external aspect of the church. The church is proud of its heritage of sacred music. But, why is it such a big deal? Well, music is a form of art and the arts are meant to convey beauty. Beauty gives glory to God. Thus, music, paintings and sculptures are supposed to glorify God and illustrate his beauty. Sacred Music has been essential to the life of the church since its early days. Although it has evolved and undergone developments, music has always been there. Sacred Music has never ceased to be a vital part of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as well as other liturgical rituals.

Why talk about it? It is very necessary to discuss the important elements of Catholic life. Music will never die in the life of the church. Although it has both grown and deteriorated, music is ever-present. Music, especially within the context of the Mass, is a gift from God. Many men and women are granted musical talent through their voice, an instrument or composition. God gave it to them for a reason: to give it back to him and to use it for his glory.

Is it really that important? Music is vital. Period. The Holy Sacrifice of the mass, as I have often said, is the renewal of Christ's sacrifice on Calvary. The music we hear at mass is supposed to edify the soul and raise our minds to God. If it doesn't, then it has no place in the mass. Many churches play beautiful music, but it is inappropriate for mass. Praise and worship style of song should not be inserted into the mass. The choir at mass should represent the choirs of angels giving glory to God in heaven. Is singing to God with a guitar at mass a good representation of the angels singing to God almighty? I don't think so. I hope this is clear.

Do not get me wrong. It is not a sin to play praise and worship songs in mass. It is preferred by the church to not do so. Rock and roll type of music during mass is definitely a near occasion of sin as it plays with the baser instincts of people. Your not supposed to "feel good" during mass. Your supposed to be standing at the foot of the cross. You're supposed to unite your whole being with Christ the victim as he is sacrificed on that altar. If you think music is unimportant or that any type of music can be played at mass, think again! 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Mass: Christ's Sacrifice on Calvary

The mass is the most essential part of the Catholic faith. Everything is centered around it. It is the best prayer a person can say, they can receive the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ and receive many graces as a result. Wow, what a privilege to be Catholic! The God who created the trees, plants, prancing deer, quacking ducks, bathing cats, barking dogs, swimming fish and neighing horses is present at mass.

Yet, even with this knowledge, Catholics take the mass for granted. Since they don't "feel good" when they come out of mass, they decide not to go altogether. The greatest gift that Christ gave to us was his body and yet we either ignore it or receive it with no enthusiasm or love. As they're in line waiting to receive their creator, redeemer, father and friend, they're day-dreaming about the game last night or what they should wear for the party later that day. You have twenty-four hours in a day. Mass takes usually half and a hour to an hour. I think you can pause to think about God for a small chunk of time.

There is also a lack of enthusiasm for the mass because of ignorance. Plus, there are "Saint Suburbia" masses with people in flip-flops, gum in their mouth and electric guitars. Many people do not feel attracted to mass because of the lack of reverence or simply because they have no idea what's going on. I can't blame them.

Don't get me wrong, all masses are valid if the words of consecration are said correctly. Mass is mass. Beggars can't be choosers sometimes. Keep in mind however, that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the most sacred thing a person can experience. That's pretty huge. Would you not rather go to a mass which reminds you of Christ's death on Calvary? You're not supposed to go because you like the preaching or the music. You are supposed to go to mass because you love Jesus Christ! Christ himself said: "If you do not eat my flesh nor drink my blood, you will not inherit eternal life." In other words, if you don't go to mass or if you go without realizing what you're doing, you won't get to heaven. It's that simple.

Our faith is not about feelings. Mass can be boring. You may not like that it's in Latin. You may be in a bad mood. Whatever. Go to mass anyways. Go as often as you can. There is no excuse not to go. God is always first. God will ask you how much did you love him when you are judged. It would be embarrassing to say that you never or rarely went to mass.

Let's face it folks, mass is a prerequisite to Heaven and it's pretty easy to achieve. Christ loves and wants to enter your body. Let him. Give him that chance!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

For the Greater Glory of God

Let me start by asking a question: Do I think before I act? That is an interesting question. Before I perform any action, do I consider how it will affect my soul or those of others? These questions are what we should ask ourselves before performing any action.

St. Ignatius of Loyola wrote something in his Spiritual Exercises called "Principle and Foundation." In the first paragraph he writes: "Man is created to praise, reverence, and serve God our Lord, and by this means to save his soul."

That is the end of man. In other words, man's final goal is to glorify God in everything he does and by that, he saves his own soul. Well, that is pretty clear then. God put us on this earth to praise and glorify him. What else must we do but that? Nothing else matters. Praising God in everything we do is all that counts. Our life must be spent in glorifying God and everything must be converted into a means for obtaining that end. God gave us life on this earth. The least we can do is love him back by glorifying him in every action we perform. 

Our actions do not just affect God but others around us too. As Charlie O'Rourke said, "We do not know if even one of our tiniest actions can affect someone else." I am paraphrasing of course but I think the point gets across. If we affect others by our actions, then it affects God as well. God is in every single person as he created them and is their father. 

Furthermore, God gave each and every one of us, talents to utilize. Some can write, others can sing, others are intellectually able, others are athletes. God gave you a talent and it is your duty to use it for his glory. If he gave you a good singing voice then I challenge you to use it for his glory and the edification of other people's souls. If God gave you the ability to express thoughts through writing or acting, then I challenge you to use it for Him.

Our actions have infinite consequences. Always ask yourself before you perform any action: Is this going to glorify God? If yes, then proceed. If no, then you better rethink and stop what you're doing. Because of our fallen and weak nature, it is very easy to sin. In fact, in almost all cases, it feels better to sin because it satisfies our inordinate desires. Think of it this way. When you are on your death bed, you will analyze your whole life and every action you performed. Would you not want to think back to that time when you refrained from punching the guy in the face? Would it not be nice to think back and say, "I did the right thing. Thank you God." We finite creatures perform actions constantly throughout the day. If we offend God who is infinite, think of how grave that offense is. Think before you act.


Friday, March 15, 2013

The Pope and Liturgy

I have heard many people complaining about how the pope did not celebrate his first mass ad orientem but towards the people. Let me explain something people. Good liturgy is a luxury. The pope can do whatever he wants in his own chapel. Facing the people is just as valid as facing east. When Pope Francis goes before the judgement seat of God, do you think he'll ask: Did you love and serve my church? Or will he ask: Did you say mass ad orientem? I think we need to get our priorities straight. Worship is just one of the many issues facing the church today. It is however, not a top priority.

To offer another argument: The pope maybe does celebrate mass ad orientem whenever he is able to. He maybe wanted to reach out to his brother cardinals, clergy and the world. If he appeared super traditional, then how can he appeal to those who have issues with the church or have fallen away? I am sure there are some cardinals who do not like him and did not want him as pope. They need to be reached out to.

People also say that worship is  the main way to evangelize. This I'm afraid, is not always the case. A person converts or is inspired by being shown the love of Christ. Good example is true evangelism. As St. Francis of Assisi said: "Preach the gospel at all times. Use words if necessary." The point being, example is truly preaching the gospel.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Movies and Entertainment: A Moral Crisis

Movies have been a huge part of our society ever since they were invented. The developing technology has advanced movie making and special effects to a whole new level. At the same time however, the morality contained in movies has declined over the past several decades. This decline in moral principle is due to the society being so influenced by greed, fame, sex and drugs. These highly immoral things have overtaken the youth. This problem is a vicious cycle. People were taught all the above things were good and natural. They then taught their kids and those around them the same. And on and on it went.

Some people watch movies for the wrong reasons. Some people will watch a movie because an actress with strong sex appeal is the main star. Others will watch it for that and or the violence therein. Some people will watch a sinful movie to see if the movie is morally permissible but end up not condemning it. Others watch sinful movies because it is a "family favorite" and it somehow justifies the reason for watching it or my best friend Billy Bob recommended it so it must be moral. I'm sorry people, but these are pretty lame reasons. Your best friend may be of high moral standards and have many of the same opinions as you on this subject. I hate to break it to you but, your friend ain't infallible!

There should only be three reasons to watch movies. (Note that these are not what the church says but are my humble opinion about what the purpose of watching a movie is). They are the following:

To be cleanly and harmlessly entertained

To be uplifted

To learn some history

Sometimes a movie can be a good combination of two or all of them. Many people do not agree that movies should inspire or be clean.

Then comes the subject of movie genres. I myself have never liked comedies. I cannot think of a single comedy movie I have seen which is neither sleazy nor vulgar. Action movies tend to be better but may still contain vulgarity or sleaze. Drama movies are similar in this regard but may include many sensual references and may have the focus of the movie on a controversial or maybe even sinful subject.

Do not think that by reading this I am condemning movies. On the contrary, I love movies and we can use them to bring the gospel to people! God has admitted for advances in technology and the media for the furthering of his kingdom! Let's not miss the opportunity!

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