Monday, September 17, 2012

Reflections on the Eucharist: Unworthy Hands

Many Catholics receive Christ in the Eucharist every day. Some people take for granted the amazing gift that it is. We are able to consume Christ's body, blood, soul and divinity 100%. Its not partly God, its the entire body of Christ, living and true.
The Traditions of the church have changed when pertaining to the reception of Christ. Since the early Christians, the host was received kneeling and on the tongue. Due to the watered down view of the Eucharist itself and of the mass, reverent reception of holy communion has died down significantly. After Vatican II, a large percentage of the church began customs such as receiving the body of Christ on the hands and standing.
 Let me put it this way. Are we worthy enough to even receive Christ? No. The majority of us are not. Better yet, since we consider ourselves worthy, do we deserve to hold God? To hold the almighty supreme being who created and fashioned us? Not even the Blessed Virgin Mary or the Seraphim, can hold the body of Jesus Christ.
The Priest who's hands were anointed, is the only person who can touch the sacred host. If any man or woman can hold and distribute communion, what is the point of the priest having his hands anointed? It degrades the importance of the sacrament of Holy Orders. We can all wait an extra five minutes for Mass to finish. Keep this is mind.  
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