Sacred Music has been quite a controversial subject within the church. Bishops, priest and popes have discussed this matter for nearly half a century. What is the hype about? Why talk about it? Is it really that important?
What is the hype about? Sacred Music is a large part of the church's richness. It takes its place within the liturgy and the external aspect of the church. The church is proud of its heritage of sacred music. But, why is it such a big deal? Well, music is a form of art and the arts are meant to convey beauty. Beauty gives glory to God. Thus, music, paintings and sculptures are supposed to glorify God and illustrate his beauty. Sacred Music has been essential to the life of the church since its early days. Although it has evolved and undergone developments, music has always been there. Sacred Music has never ceased to be a vital part of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as well as other liturgical rituals.
Why talk about it? It is very necessary to discuss the important elements of Catholic life. Music will never die in the life of the church. Although it has both grown and deteriorated, music is ever-present. Music, especially within the context of the Mass, is a gift from God. Many men and women are granted musical talent through their voice, an instrument or composition. God gave it to them for a reason: to give it back to him and to use it for his glory.
Is it really that important? Music is vital. Period. The Holy Sacrifice of the mass, as I have often said, is the renewal of Christ's sacrifice on Calvary. The music we hear at mass is supposed to edify the soul and raise our minds to God. If it doesn't, then it has no place in the mass. Many churches play beautiful music, but it is inappropriate for mass. Praise and worship style of song should not be inserted into the mass. The choir at mass should represent the choirs of angels giving glory to God in heaven. Is singing to God with a guitar at mass a good representation of the angels singing to God almighty? I don't think so. I hope this is clear.
Do not get me wrong. It is not a sin to play praise and worship songs in mass. It is preferred by the church to not do so. Rock and roll type of music during mass is definitely a near occasion of sin as it plays with the baser instincts of people. Your not supposed to "feel good" during mass. Your supposed to be standing at the foot of the cross. You're supposed to unite your whole being with Christ the victim as he is sacrificed on that altar. If you think music is unimportant or that any type of music can be played at mass, think again!
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