Friday, October 21, 2011

Break, Break, Break

"Break, Break, Break on thy cold grey stones oh sea. And I would that my tongue could utter, the thoughts that arise in me."

St. A's fall break is coming to a close and tears are pouring down my cheeks just thinking about it. No, I'm not crying at all. I have always hated studying for tests, but I love taking tests. I think this is almost everybody's case. Anyways, it''l be sad to leave home and go back to the much dreaded midterm exams.

Well, at least I am seeing some of my good friends this afternoon. I was starting to feel kinda lonely. After kind of a depressing weekend for sports, I think I am ready to just face school.

Hope nobody's thrown up while driving or lost their banana protection case or gotten bored of staring at knife magazines. These are not implications of any people I know.

Just kidding guys.

Happy Friday!


Saturday, October 15, 2011


Today is one of those perfect fall days. Perfect breeze, leaves falling and its semi-cloudy. Its a perfect day for one the greatest rivalries of Michigan College Football.

In approximately five minutes, the game will begin and I hope that the 6-0 wolverines will be victorious. For all my friends who are State fans (I won't mention any names, b/ I am that nice), be ready for a good game.

Happy Saturday and Go blue!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Time and Place

There is a time and place for everything, as my mom often repeats. There is a time to do school, to joke, to work, to pray, to play, to have fun etc. This list goes on and on. Our goal as Catholic Christians is to manage what we do and when. Every person must manage their own time wisely and accordingly.

Life is basically one big series of events.
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